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%PM, %19. %687 %2019 %16:%Dez

Origin of Life from the viewpoint of information

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(2 Stimmen)

Many people assume that life on earth originated by evolution and believe that this has been scientifically proven. Based on the natural laws of information, Prof. Dr Werner Gitt presents six conclusions that clearly preclude the possibility of life arising through evolution.

Weitere Informationen

  • Youtube ID: 3CEA_cIcVjs
  • Redner: Werner Gitt
Gelesen 77226 mal Letzte Änderung am %AM, %21. %461 %2022 %11:%Jan
Manfred Röseler

Manfred Röseler, verheiratet, zwei Kinder, ist in den Bereichen Evangelisation und Medien im Missionswerk Bruderhand tätig.
